Laura B.

I'm writing this because I have experienced the worst treatment I have ever had with an apartment complex. I lived here 2019-2021. We experienced a fire in the building next to us last Dec 2020. The smoke leaked into our apt thru our bd closet. The smell was disgusting and there were lingering problems with the air quality in our apt. We requested a move to another apt, they refused. We asked to be let out of our lease because I have severe lung disease and it was affecting my breathing. Nope, they wouldn't do that. We had to move our bed into the living room and set it up like a studio staying out of the bedroom. We have 2 high powered air purifiers running 24/7 and the triple heppa filters were ruined in six months due to the air quality. I had 2 bouts of pneumonia and bronchiectasis uptick, that put me in the hospital. The dryer in our apartment was ducted inside into a container of water which is illegal in some states and unhealthy because of constant lint escaping all over the apt. They will give you an apt quote when you look at the apt, but not tell you about the extra fees that you are going to pay which adds almost 100.00 to your rent bill. You will have a parking fee, water, sewer,trash, con service fee, gas, rental ins. that is required and a Luxer mail service fee if you ever want packages to be delivered. Hefty dog/cat fees as well. Then they fail to tell you that you have to hire a professional cleaning service to clean your apt or they charge you 150.00 fee that comes out of your security deposit. We cleaned that place spotless and lost half of our security because WE did the cleaning. We took pics so they couldn't accuse us of leaving the place a mess and it DOES NOT MATTER! This is how these scumbags keep as much of your deposit as possible. PLUS they recharged us all the fees again! We are getting less than HALF of our security deposit by being great tenants, NEVER late on rent, left nothing to be cleaned but was charged 150.00 anyway. They lie as to what it's going to ultimately cost you to rent from them. I have NEVER experienced such a sleezy run complex! Please if you value your self respect and your hard earned money DO NOT rent from here, they rip off everyone here!