Do not, I repeat, DO NOT rent an apartment here. While the location is ideal for a commuter, putting up with the upper echelon of management isn't. Rent goes up (upon lease renewal) hundreds of dollars a month, with the response of "That's market value, at least you don't have to move." It's not uncommon for the 2br units to be inhabited by 5-6 people, to cut down on the rent. While this shouldn't be an issue, it causes the 'good neighbor' policy to be absolutely tossed to the way side. In less than a year, I've put in 5-6 emergency service calls because the tenants above can't operate the water facilities properly. Showering with no curtain. Running the dishwasher with a clogged sink disposal, which flooded their kitchen. Doing laundry in the bathtub. Stopping up the toilet to the point where it leaks. All of these incidents caused serious water damage to my apartment multiple times, and still the tenants exist. When maintenance had a sub contractor come by to repair the damage, he was using spray paint in the apartment, while I was inside, with candles burning and no ventilation. I took pictures and video. There is no coordination for snow removal, so the parking lots often become quite icy. Had often come home from work and had to park in adjacent lots because snow wasn't cleared and people would take up more then one spot, or the contractor equipment was taking up the rest of not in use. There used to be gates that kept people from driving through he property, but now people speed through at 20-30mph while your kids play on the sidewalk, just to cut over to the shopping center and bypass a light or two. And the occasional drunk driver who last year, almost killed three people trying to get a shortcut, and got into the property because there is no longer any roadway gates. Which begs the question, " Where does the money that I pay for parking go?? But there's no expense spared on the flowers and mulch in the spring!! This is ultimately why I am not renewing my lease after 2+ years, and to boot, I'll be having to pay TWO MONTHS RENT to 'break my lease' just over a month early. Management has made no positive effort to date, to help out despite having to live with these issues. The core maintenance and office staff are wonderful, and willing to help. However, the property manager, as well as the regional property manager are asleep at the wheel.