This place is Hotel California! They'll get you in easy and cheap, but once you're here, you're their prisoner. They charge for parking for each car and there isn't even any place to park in our area. They nickel and dime you on EVERYTHING. They raise your rent every year and they use that money to do stupid things, like put in keyless entry. Were we unhappy with good old keys? They wouldn't know because they roll out these outrageously expensive "amenities" whether residents want them or not. The Aimco organization that manages the property function like a completely inflexible dictatorship. They set the rules and that's that. No exceptions will be made on any issue. The infrastructure within the complex is old and in desperate need of updating, and yet they spent the money on keyless entry! In a year and a half, there were 3 water main breaks on the property, causing us to have no water. On two of these occasions, we had no water for TWO days. But remember, we have keyless entry! The roads throughout the property have been patched repeatedly and yet they haven't paved the complex. But we have keyless entry! In many areas of the complex, when you come home after 6:00 p.m., you will find yourself riding around looking for a parking spot. And you pay $15 (or more) a month, per car that you park where you live, for parking that is sometimes very difficult to find. The parking fee is mandatory, not optional. But again, we have keyless entry! The signage on these buildings is so poor that whenever someone comes to visit, we literally have to go outside and walk around until they find us. You see food delivery people walking around the complex looking for their customer's building because they are marked so poorly, you can't find anything. Speaking of food deliveries, expect your food to arrive cold while your delivery driver drives or walks around endlessly in circles trying to find your building because there are NO signs to show building numbers. But we have keyless entry! We are moving out because we're buying a house and they won't let us out of the lease for the last 19 days of our lease term. We need the money more than they do and yet they won't budge! They require 60-days' notice if you are moving out, which is a ridiculous expectation when people buying houses cannot just be 100% accurate about closing dates or moving dates. Zero understanding or flexibility from the management. The service department is the only good thing about this property, with people who do their job well, respectfully, and timely. However, they don't have trash dumpsters here. We all put our trash in an unventilated room that is in the same area as the washer/dryer area. I've nearly passed out from the heat in the laundry room a couple times. There is no ventilation at all. Add that to the stench of trash from the connected room, and you're talking one nasty experience. We've had the worst fruit fly invasion during the two summers we've lived here due to the trash being kept IN the building. The laundry room gets cleaned once a week and it's the most minimal cleaning possible. They wipe down the top of the machines and swab the floor. They never clean the actual machines inside. The soap scum on the glass of the front-load washers is gross! Whenever I do laundry, I bring Last October, they finally brought in a dumpster for recyclables. That last a couple months and then it just quietly disappeared. One of the people in the office said the dumpster company was annoyed with the lack of snow removal around the dumpster and they took their dumpster and decided not to replace it. Not a single peep from the management office about this was ever heard. We were still keeping our recyclables in our kitchen and after a few weeks with no dumpster, we went to the office and asked. We got the story out of one of the office people that we may get the dumpster back in the Spring. It's June and no recyclable dumpster has ever reappeared. It would have been nice if the management office sent an email out saying the dumpster was gone and not coming back. The property is a non-smoking property, which is about the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard. You cannot smoke anywhere on the property. So, there are literally hundreds of apartments here and no one can smoke here. What kind of utter insanity is this? You can't vape here either! If you're a smoker, don't even think of living in this prison camp. This place is the absolute WORST representation of the State of New Hampshire. The Live Free or Die motto represents the freedoms we have in the State that we don't have in other states with too many rules. This place is like prison. Or Hotel California. If you miss your rent payment, they will charge $80 A DAY for a fine. People with unsteady incomes should NOT live here. They rope you in though with being one of the only rental properties that allows pets. Don't live here. Just DON'T!!