Joan M.

I refuse to post under my real name because I still live here. The place is awful and maintenance is even worse. Their steam room was broke for over 8-9 months (waiting on a part).. My boyfriend used to visit and eventually we just started going to planet fitness because the gym was not well kept at all. And smelled awful (curry smell hideous, almost vomited while trying to run on the treadmill once it was so unbearable).. Cracks in the walls, you can see the buildings warping even from the outside. My car was hit and damaged 5 times.. and probably will be more... no security at all. The smell/stench in the apt building is beyond awful. If you are a fan of curry you will fit right in. Can't wait to get out of here. -OH and I almost forgot the electrical wiring is awful, and brown water came out of the sinks multiple times. They said it was up to code, and it continued to re-occur. Theses places are patched up just enough to keep up appearances. The place looks amazing on the site, at first you think its great, then you live there for multiple years like I have and see the real picture.