John L.

I've only been here a few months, but I have not been impressed since day 1. I moved in in January, the snow removal all winter was horrible. I missed work several times because the parking lots & internal roads were not cleared. My vehicle got buried 4 times: they piled snow so high (8-9ft) on one or both sides of my vehicle and it would fall on top. They randomly changed the apt numbering, so you have 2 addresses, but only one is legally recognized. The apts are old & ugly looking outside. As for inside, I got a modern kitchen. I don't know what the old kitchen is like, but I pity the residents who pay so much for squalor. There is a gym, but it isn't exactly convenient & the equipment is 10+ years old. A lot of the machines don't move well because of rust, and the treadmills look kind of like toys they're so small & flimsy. Also, the door swipe never works, someone inside has to let you in. Utilities are cheap, but they could be cheaper for me. You are on shared utilities here, & usually comes in around $40 a month. Forget handicapped access, nearly every apt has steps to any door on the building. Also, parking & getting to your apt are an issue. I recommend getting a dolly for bringing stuff from your vehicle to your apt.