Sasha Sen

Lived here for 1 and a half years and the apartments are not bad. The air conditioning can not cool the 1 bedroom, I ended up sleeping in the living room a lot during summer. One good thing I have to say is that Maintainance is exceptional. My main problem is the leasing team and the amount of additional payments I had to make upon moving out. The leasing team is extremely unresponsive and unhelpful. They randomly charge you for amounts without explanation and it may take 10+ days to get one. For example I am paying over $900 to move out. There is a clause in the lease that says that you must give a 60 day notice before moving out, so 3 months before moving out I told the leasing team that I would not be renewing and that I was moving out. Apparently the fine print in the lease requires you to fill out a special document in order to give this notice. What I don't understand is why the team didn't tell me about this document when I told them I was moving out. They just charged me a fine upon moving out. I'm not pleased because the amount of extra money I spent throughout my stay here means that I could have lived in Tara Heights.