Drew McGuire

After being here for three years, I am looking for a new home. The grounds are declining in quality. Multiple cars parked here do not have stickers and are occupying parking that is paid for. The office does not have a limit to the amount of vehicles a resident can have on premises, which means that there is a chance that you will not be able to park every night and will need to risk parking at the nearby Shaws and walking home (With the risk of being towed). There are aimless wanderers in my building's hallway which is in itself unsafe and can feel threatening to some guests living on ground floors. Solutions to problems brought to management are addressed but rarely resolved. Multiple neighbors have complained of black mold growing within the buildings. One resident had it taken care of, but it took over a month to begin the process of fixing and addressing it. Many of the buildings also have physical damage that has not been repaired, some of which were present when I moved in. The community gym on the property has minimal equipment due to theft and half the cardio machines (ie treadmills) are broken and unusable. The staff that takes care of basic repairs is great and friendly, and the office staff is friendly. This cannot be said for corporate level staff or the call center for repair inquiries. The laundry rooms (in the building I occupy) are consistently having issues, typically a broken machine or residents leaving laundry in their machines for days before moving it. There is a combination of corporate management, and current resident issues that I doubt will be addressed within the next 3-5 years. I'd suggest looking for another place to live.