Jie Chen

I strongly suggest all the potential tenants to think twice before you rent here. I have lived in royal crest apt for almost 2 years and they are the worst apartment I have ever had. You share two washers and two dryers with a whole building of tenants. Roads are slippery and icy after snow, not getting sandEd enough. Water leakage twice a year. They don't get it fixed timely and you are stuck with no shower. They do have a gym. But it smells sooooooo bad you barely breath even before you jump on the treadmill. Neighbors are absolutely annoying. Hallway has strong smell of marijuana. We had to evacuate twice in this year, because neighbor smoked in the hallway and triggered fire alarm. Imagine you are up during a weekday at 3am on a snow day and waiting in the car...yep, we have been there! The floors and walls are old so if you live under a neighbor, you could hear most movements. They also don't check the breed of the dogs like they listed. I love dogs and don't think there could be any bad dogs if trained and cared. My husband was walking our dog and got bitten by a giant Doberman which is a restricted breed. The owner was a petite lady who could barely control the dog. They also don't have security cameras anywhere in the apartment. My car got two scratches on the door but management didn't care. They charge 3 month rent if you plan to move out early. But the worst part is, when you call and ask to move out early, they manager said you should have budget early move out penalty in your moving cost. My fault but what can I say. We did sign the contract. Look carefully before you sign, don't be like us. But, it is convenient to the highway. Update: received our final move out notice and balance. We cleaned the apartment well but they charged almost 300 for damage on the stove top. Lmao. It looks great but what do you know. Considering how greedy they already are. Didn't get full deposits and charged with repairs fee. When you think 3 month penalty is too much, they top that with extra fees. If there is a negative star I would put a lower ratings. Strongly not recommend this place.