When I apartment shopped they told me they only had 2 apartments available, and one was on the ground floor feet from a playground so I took the other. Turns out it was right above the washers so the room was 90+ degrees and their was insane mechanical screeching noise and alarms going off at 4AM. After a couple days I told the office it wasn't going to work and I wanted to move out, and they said I had to pay rent on it until someone else rented it. I said "well that shouldn't be a problem, you only have 2 vacancies in the entire complex" and the lady gave me a confused look and said they had over 30 vacancies, and it was likely no one would rent it for 8 or more months. So not only did they screw me with lies to get in, but they screwed me into staying, and I wasn't allowed to move apartments, either. After 1 year of leaving my porch door and windows open 24/7 they sent me a letter saying my rent was going up $300 to $1500 for a 1 bedroom but since I was a good renter they were giving me a 1% discount.. $15!!! What a deal! They seemed perplexed when I told them I was not staying (I got a 2 bedroom off exit 7 for many hundreds less in a quiet area and didn't need to leave my windows open). Apparently they screwed themselves hard because it seems rents have plummeted there since then.