Rachel Lunderville

If there was an option to place no starts I would. Everything about this complex was great at first and then we noticed the unprofessional and unresponsive staff. Although they advertise as a non-smoking community and it's mentioned in the contract, they are NOT. Cigarette buds can be found everywhere on the 88 acres that they have. More specifically in the shrub in front of us and on our patio. We have asked several times and put in a service ticket for clean up but nothing gets done and no action is taken against the smokers. We have a dog with inflammatory bowel disease that starts eating the buds on our patio. We spoke with the property manager and her exact words were "It must have not been a big issue if you aren't putting in a request everyday." It is not my job to make sure you do your job, and it should have been done the first time around!