Eleanor Luna

Bad. DO NOT RENT/LEASE!!! I got sick and was hospitalized twice this year and my dad died. I communicated all this to management and was late with several rental payments, even though I did pay and paid the late fees, they are refusing to renew my lease. They advertise this place as "homes", it is not your home, do not get comfortable, do not get sick. They will not renew your lease if you are late more than a few times, even if you have paid and paid late fees, even if you have a valid medical reason, even if you have a child who is in the school system, they don't care. They don't care about families or people, they only care about their business and the bottom line, the manager Susan told me this on the phone. It's not personal, it's business. Well it is personal, to ruin a life by making a family move. They would rather rent to six Indians who are squatting without furniture, than a hard working single parent who wants to make this place a home, but happened to have an unforeseen situation.