Jennifer T.

I can't get out of this place fast enough..... I am bartender and work late nights, I get home between 1:30 and 2:30 some nights, as a single woman who at 2:00 am doesn't feel safe having to park far away from building, and since they don't enforce the parking rules there are many nights that there is no parking in my buildings lot, so I who own a truck, put it on the dirt, so I can safely walk into my building..,,, well guess who the towed.... The person who does not live The building...? On NOOO. they tow the person who's does, and will not do a thing about it.... I'm am on my way out of this hell hole and it can't come soon enough.....I didn't want to resign my lease because I was looking to move and they jacked my rent up over $400.00 a month more... So get this, I'm paid$2300.00 a month ,I can't get a parking spot and they towed my car ... Great place to live...NOT!!! Do not move here, there are better places around oh another thing I forgot... When my friend moved out, they charged her $2990.00 in fees after she moved... Now Suing her for the $ and another person was charger almost $8000.00 after she moved... I would now like to add to this lovely review of Royal crest that instead of dealing with the problem they are trying to imply that I am not a current resident.... Are you kidding me... I will b living here almost 3 years.....