Chris C.

After experiencing what seemed to be an endless year, I finally moved out. Where to begin (it will be random). It all went down hill when we got new neighbors who resemble human chimneys where they constantly smoked up a storm just outside our windows. So that basically took away the advantage of having screens on our windows, as they had to remain shut. Was it just those neighbors who were obnoxious? No. New neighbors moved in soon after just above us who seem to have forgotten that people live below them as they would stomp none stop on their floor, our ceiling. To paint you a picture of how tolerant I am, the previous residents of the apt above us had a piano, and THAT never bothered me - seriously. The previous residents made noise, but it was noise anyone would expect, as it was tolerable. But those who took their place were almost making a point that noise can be a constant at high volumes. To add on to it, some other neighbors found it necessary to turn the wall that was next to our window into a bike repair shop. While smoking away, and talking to this kid (it was more like yelling, but he wasn't mad, he was just very loud), we (myself and my gf) were just very happy knowing that we were leaving within the month. They were there for about 1 - 2 hours just blabbing away, smoking half a pack, and simply just being completely obnoxious. There is no empathy with these people. Scum of the Earth, people. I'm not saying that all who live at Royal Crest are like this. I have met some really nice, outstanding people. There was this really nice lady who lived in my building who always had a smile, and enjoyed saying hello...but I can't let people read this review and not know the horrors that live in the other apts. The horrors that take away any form of privacy, and pleasure one would love to have when spending a ton of money on rent for a place to call your home. I don't mind that People smoke as I have nothing against it...just keep that crap out of my face when I'm sitting on my own couch, or laying on my own bed. If you like trash around your home, rent an apt at Royal Crest, the trash does clash with the flowers and green grass, so hopefully they can buy enough salt to put in the soil to solve that problem, and then you'll see all the trash the eye can see. Have a pet? Good! You're in luck. now you can have an extra fee. Have two pets? That's twice the price, my friend. So, in the winter, you would think you'd like to be warm. Nope, even with the ACs sitting in the walls with a cover over them on the outside, they are still providing plenty of cold air with a nice draft that literally blows against your face even when your feet away from the device. Is this place expensive? In one word, yes. To break it down for you. You get a lot of space, and that's a good thing...up until winter comes. Remember about my drafty AC? Of course you do, it was just one paragraph ago in this novel. The draft will suck all the heat you just payed for (electric heat, so it's technically more expensive) right out the wall. The pet fees are insane. The laundry is $2.00 per wash, and per dry (as you'll read later on). And, they jack up the rent all the time. I was living in the basement, an undesirable location, yet they seem to think I'd pay more to stay. Also, don't expect to get much of the deposit back, they're keeping it...and I have the cleanest gf in the world. She has an obsession in cleaning. I'm not so bad myself. We didn't damage anything...but we wont get back anything nearly as much as what we provided as a deposit. Do you like loud noises? You're in luck, there's this horrible beeping noise that comes from the laundry room, it will keep you up if they don't shut it off at night. How about spending a lot of money on laundry? If you spend more, don't you get more? Nope, not with Mac-Grey being the provider. They jacked up the laundry prices just after we moved in from $1.45 per load (per wash, per dry) to $2.00, and boy, does it add up. By the way, the cleaning process didn't clothes were still damp after a dry cycle for loads there were almost half of what is recommended. Plus, the machines will charge you and not activate the machine. This place is a dump.