I tend to avoid writing reviews when I am super happy or angry, so I waited for few days for the feeling to sink in and here I am. Overview: Horrible maintenance, Building 32. I have submitted the same maintenance request number of times in the last 4-5 weeks but in vain. The issue is cold air coming from the air conditioning (a/c) unit and its window. It's even more worse in this peak winter months. No matter how much heat we keep, the freezing breeze gives chills. I have been told that they forgot to put the a/c cover from the outside but now its been 2 months since I last heard from them. I have been calling them numerous times but I could never talk to the manager "Erin Sheppard" as she is unavailable (I can understand why she is absconding). The person on phone "Roxane" kept me on hold twice and then disconnected the phone. Visiting the office is also of no use, they give a standard excuse "I am sending the maintenance person right away", "He is busy but will surely attend you, you are at priority", "we have circulated your request to the maintenance manager". Even though I know this review will lead to an automatic email from Erin and nothing will be done but I still wanted to let you (everyone) know what a mess the management has created. Thanks for reading.