Samantha M.

I would absolutely never, EVER, reccomend a collegue of mine to live here. We moved in almost two years ago. The staff all quit a few months after because the community was so terrible. We were promised a gated community atmosphere - they literally removed the gates. We were promised security on duty at all times - he is there on Friday & Saturday nights for 3 hours. My car has gotten broken into twice and they have done nothing about it. We, along with several other residents, have been moved from a basement unit to a second or third floor unit due to the BUG and MOLD infestation. Its absolutely disgusting. It is extremely over priced and not worth the hassle. They treat their tenants like garbage - especially the new community manager and refuse to react to critism. Last year, one of their landscapers ran over a gas line and there was a HUGE gas leak..we were not allowed in our apartments for 48 hours. Had I known this place was referred to as the 'joke of North Andover', I would not have moved here. Dont do it. PS. Kevin P. below just moved in to my building. Your cheery attitude towards this pathetic excuse for a 'community' is temporary, I assure you.