Jenelle A.

We managed to survive 3 months of our 12 month lease. Initially this sounded ideal for myself and my toddler son. It became an absolute nightmare, unfortunately. I moved into Royal Crest in November 2013 and moved out by February. Initially upon moving in I was shown the apartment which was in good condition. Very outdated but I knew I could make it feel like home for us. During our walk through I was shown the thermostat in the living room which would control the heat. Easy enough? Little did I know that my base boards also all had their own controls which were jacked up from the day I moved in. Once maintenance came out and apologized for the lack of information upon moving in the heat was adjusted. Going forward the house was beyond freezing and my electricity bill, as it is electric heat was over 400 for the 3 months I lived there. I had the property manager out several times to check everything out to discover that was "normal" and there was nothing wrong in the apartment. Please note in my new apartment I'm not sure I have gone over 130.00 in the winter. I didn't forget that yes we had a very cold winter last year. Had I been warm and comfortable in the apartment I would understand, however my son had to sleep in my room due to his room being so cold. His closet door was stuffed with blankets as it was not insulated at all to keep the draft from escaping out. He cried every morning getting ready for school because he was so cold. We were on the bottom unit. Absolute nightmare. My first night cooking dinner in the apartment I heard water leaking. I opened the cabinet under my kitchen sink and had inches of water. The garbage disposal was not hooked up properly and there was water under the sink. I called maintenance and requested that the small piece of wood be replaced for fear of mold having a toddler in the house. I came home and was told the wood was replaced when in fact it was only painted white to cover the grime that was now underneath. Unfortunately after settling and getting through the holidays I knew there was no way I could keep my son in such conditions. I requested to terminate my lease and they refused. I put up over 3k to move into a new apartment where I can now sleep comfortable and I am happy to rest my head at night. Royal Crest has since added my account to collections requesting I pay them over 6k. Over my dead body. I have since hired an attorney and am disputing the charges the best that I can. Whatever you do, do your research before you give these people a thought. Unfortunately I have learned my lesson the hard way but am happy to be out of there for the health and well being of my son.