Food critic R.

Horrible Place to Live I have been living here since past few years. When I moved in, everything was smooth, management did really wonderful job in everything. However, all good things comes to an end. The property was sold to AIMCO; the management staff changed and everything went down the drain. Reasons why you shouldn't move in here: 1. All the tenants are treated as if you are a criminal. They down play you and make you feel like you are living in a socially assisted government funded apartments. 2. Safety. The gate house is a complete joke. Most of the time the gate is open and no one in the security cabin. 3. Every building gets at least 4 or 5 notice a month about different things that tenants cannot do. 4. They started charging for parking. BUT IF YOU COME IN LATE AFTER 9pm THERE ARE NO PARKING SPOTS. If you are paying for parking then you would assume that you should have a right to get a parking but that is not the case. Complained about it to management at least 5 time in last 2 months but no action has been taken yet. 5. Quality of the people. With in last year there has been 2 drug bust (each involving FBI and DEA so they were on a large scale), a kidnapping attempt, 4 car jacking, etc. All this within one year or less. 6. No background check on the people. They are giving the apartment to anyone. It feels like people of Lawrence have invaded this place. 7. Even the emergency repairs are delayed by few days. Forget the regular repairs. Those repairs will take place only if you call them 10 or 15 times and ask them 'if you don't do anything about it we will call the head office'. So in short about 3 months if you are lucky. 8. They charge you for mandatory insurance for the apartment. I don't understand why the tenants should pay for the insurance when they don't even own the place. This is just extortion. I can go on and on about this management. My take is fire everyone in the management and hire the old staff back. Read more: