Matthew Rhee

After living here for 2 years, I have confirmed my belief. If you are an adult, the staff will treat you normally. However, if you are a student living here, good luck sir. The staff here is unbelievably discriminant towards students. The moment I go in the leasing office, the workers always have an unpleasant frown on their face. I have complained to the leasing office multiple times for them to fix the appliances in my apartment, but they still won't help. I had to talk to my Father to drive up to Royal Crest to complain to them and of course they listened. The only reason why I gave them a 1 star review is because you have so much freedom in this complex that it's ridiculous. The staff just doesn't care whats happening, as long as the leasing office looks nice they are satisfied. For example, apparently there was a meth lab in one of the apartments and there were police in and out of the apartment. I don't know the whole story but my friend lives there and talked to the officer. The officer said there were 29 more meth labs in royal crest still under investigation. Like I said earlier before, they just don't care. Bottom line: If student = do not live here If adult = still do not live here If you live here = natural selection