Rohit MM (ROHIT)

Lived here for an year and half (2018-19). Loved the place initially until all of these things started happening: - Mail boxes don't lock. Raised a service request and it was closed with out any action. - Building entry door glass always broken, so anyone can open it even though it was supposed to be a secure door. - Car was damaged in parking lot twice. There are no security cameras. Expect some help when we pay for the parking. Reserved parking spots would have helped little bit so people will be little careful. - A guest's car was towed as they printed a wrong validity date on the temp parking permit. - Packages stolen. Also other residents have complained their kids bikes being stolen. - We paid for apartment cleaning before we moved out, still charged us for 'damages' which we thought were going to be handled in the cleaning service. More specifics on what this cleaning does would have helped us in making a better decision. When we reached out to the customer service and explained this, the final response we got from them is "This is what you signed up for"