Cody Ryan

The amount they charge for such a low-quality apartment is astounding. It is technically the average price (around this area) for a two bedroom apartment... but these are below average apartments. I've spoken with people from other buildings and the rumor is that aluminum wiring is still used in the buildings? That hasn't been used since the 60-70's. We have had maintenance issues since day one and we need to call them into the apartment at least once a week. Don't get me wrong, the maintenance guys are actually really good, but there are so few of them (4 guys for nearly 600 units). They're dedicated, punctual, and professional. However, it's like trying to fight a wildfire with a garden hose. It doesn't help that these buildings were probably built by an ancient race of people who lived here long before human records. You know, people from the 60's. Let me tell you a story about one of their maintenance workers named Dan. We originally had a garbage disposal held together with little more than hopes and dreams and it leaked something fierce. Dan ordered a new one which was supposed to arrive the next day (the day I'm writing this), but it did not. This guy went into his OWN apartment and got his OWN newer garbage disposal and put it into our sink. On top of that, he cleaned every square inch of space he was working in and then some. If that's not dedication, I don't know what is. So to reiterate: Maintenance department= excellent, management= horrendous.