My wife and I moved into RC in June 2016, after selling our home. We had an older dog, and needed an interim location with her until we could secure a new home. From day 1, we regretted it. We felt that we were lied to, regarding the College students residing there. Having been told that they were only grad students. Balogna! It was party central for the undergrads from August through March. We suffered through a litany of issues with the apartment (toilet seal leaking, toilet not flushing properly, etc...). Then during the later part of Winter, an issue with the National Grid feed caused the building to lose power. This was supplemented for 3+ months with a huge generator, running 24 x 7. Except when it ran out of gas (which it frequently did), needed periodic maintenance, or had other parts fail. Then, at any point in time, we were without power (lights, electricity, stove, refrigerator, tv, internet). Lovely. Never, was there any offer of compensation or adjustments for this inconvenience. The generator was adjacent to our bedroom, so sleeping was rough. While this was going on, the electrical panel was closed off by 2 sheets of plywood loosely hung on the wall, but not locked or affixed to each other. They basically flapped in the breeze, and were a hazard for the kids... who could have easily accessed the panels. As if this weren't enough, when we left (as soon as our lease was up) my wife and I cleaned the apartment (washed floors and all), so that we could get our full damage deposit back. Corporate dinged us for $95 bucks, as we didn't have an "agency" clean the apartment. We argued with corporate, but they basically said to stick it. This place is awful, corporate doesn't give a damn, and you should plan on losing at the end of the day with any dealings with them. I would give them a minus rating if they allowed it, for the above noted items, and all of the other dozen things that they dropped the ball on. Do NOT live here, unless you absolutely have to.