Katherine Dague

While I like the location and the size of my apartment (rent is expensive but that seems to be the case everywhere in this town), I've found that my experience with Royal Crest has been more frustrating than helpful. They are a smoke free area but my apartment constantly smells like smoke because the elderly couple next door smoke like chimneys. They once got an angry letter saying to stop smoking from management, but they were never fined or told they need to stop or leave as the lease specifies. Two other apartments are smoking apartments in my building too. All of the air conditioners are not set properly in the walls and the window settings are cracked, I sealed them myself because my first winter electric bill was over $400! The carpets in the common areas actually smell and my mailbox is perpetually broken (on the up side I don't have to take my mail key to check my mail). Despite the fact that I literally saw lawn-care, maintenance, and garbage disposal workers walk past it every day it took them two weeks to remove a very large branch that fell across the sidewalk leading to my building. The branch only fell because the property managers failed to inspect and have trimmed or removed a mostly dead tree outside my building before the winter storm season. My car was damaged in a similar branch incident. Finally, and most annoying of all: I purchased a camper. It took them two weeks to give me a parking pass because the front office lady I originally spoke with said "I'll send you the updated lease right now" and she never did. Even though their online system would have showed that I had a pending parking pass that needed approving. I went back and a manager approved my pass which was filled out for an "Recreational Vehicle/Motor Home" and then 6 WEEKS LATER I get an email that I have 24 hours to move my "motor home" because they aren't allowed, even though it was approved as such, even though I have proof that they approved it, even though I repeatedly told them in person while they were approving it that it was a travel trailer. AND it is not the only one on the property. DON'T LIVE HERE if you value have property managers that follow their own rules. I've never been so happy to be moving soon, worst rental experience I've ever had! Out of 7 rentals!