Where do I begin? I've lived here since early 2018 and, as a person who does not write reviews (much less complaints), I cannot stress strongly enough to prospective residents to avoid this place like the plague. So what's the problem? They will woo you with cut-rate rents, then eventually raise your rent for a 600 sq foot unit to $1600 a month. Think about that. No dish washer in a unit this small, and as a person with a modest income, child support and post-divorce bills, $1600 a month for a place that does not offer income assistance is a bit insane. But we all do what we can right? So what else could be the problem? Have you ever had packages stolen repeatedly, only to be told by the leasing office that it's not their problem "But you should call the company that manages the package lockers." Guess what? IT'S STILL YOUR FREAKING PROPERTY, GENIUS. Dismissing liability over theft because someone else handles the package delivery process is just stupid - not to mention the fact that the door to the area where packages are kept has been broken since 2018. Is that the package company's problem too? Nice try. What about the fact that the residents here couldn't care less about what "One Way" means? The road I live on is an uphill street, with a blind turn at the top. My children have nearly been hit multiple times as they've crossed the street by cars flying down this road - all going the wrong way. Fortunately the drivers have been thoughtful enough to tell me to go f--- myself when I've yelled at them. Great neighbors! Speaking of which, ignoring the fact that the residents here will steal anything that's not bolted down (including my clothes out of a dryer and just tonight, my FREAKING welcome mat. Who the hell steals a welcome mat??), do you enjoy hearing your neighbors have intimate relations above your head at all hours? Yeah, me neither. I'm all for healthy interpersonal relationships, but gross. Paper thin walls that are covered with peeling contact paper passing itself off as a wall-covering don't do a great job of muffling your loud-a** neighbors. Avalon Apartments this ain't. "It can't be that bad, can it?" Yeah, it can. What are your feelings on driving through unplowed or barely-plowed roads? Sucks, right? The policy here is to wait 24 hours until after a storm has finished BEFORE plowing begins. What if you have a job that requires daily attendance? Good luck. Hope you make it to work on time - or at all. Oh, and if you have to break your lease because you literally cannot afford to live here anymore? Sixty day notice and a penalty of three times your monthly rent. For those keeping score at home: they are effectively collecting five months' worth of rent from you just to get the hell out of here. Full disclosure: my rent is $1,581 a month. Multiply that by five, and that's going to run me $7,905 to get out of here. God help the rest of you if you have any financial problems. Still want to live here? I wouldn't recommend this dump to my worst enemy. Run - as fast as you can. UPDATE: My word against hers, but Susan's "We'll get in touch with you" response is lip service. The response creates visibility with prospective renters that they are going to right all the wrongs left in the review, but that only counts if they actually bother to pick up the phone in the first place.