A lot of these buildings have roaches, both american and german. Some don't, but you roll the die when you move in here. They will not disclose that to you when you move in. There is no insulation so if you don't live on the top floor, all you will hear all day and night is whatever your neighbors are doing above you. Dog poop will lay for days and days on end in the winter in the middle of the walkway. People smoke inside their apartments and nothing is done about it. They have trash inside the laundry rooms and the trash is just thrown everywhere and emptied after a few days. Trash will litter the halls for weeks. Dogs bark endlessly here. Dog owners let the dogs on the balconies and they will bark for hours. Inconsiderate, rude neighbors. Reserved spot owners park in spots next to them to save for the people they live with and you have to park 10 minutes away from your building and you pay for parking no matter what. I've watched families park in the parking lot here and then walk across the street to apartments across the street. Roaches will be treated only in your apartment until you beg them to treat the rest of the apartments and they won't even do that. They'll only treat the surrounding ones such as the one above or below. You will never be able to leave food out though. They will lie to you about where the roaches come from (most of these buildings have generational roaches and no one reports it. we met people who lived here 5 years ago and the buildings had roaches then too.) Obviously, the people who work here do not care about you. AC units are junk. You will be sweating and freezing at the same time. If your unit has the wood cabinets, be prepared for someone leaving their smell behind (they douse the unit in deodorizer and bleach beforehand, but the smell comes back) The wood inside them is painted grossness. The heaters in the bathroom are rusted and gross. I will never live in another air communities apartment. Stay away from this place, it's absolutely incredibly disgusting. This is easily the worst place I have ever lived.