Moistra S.

In general it's a nice place to live, when you actually get the lease signed by Royal Crest(RC). I would put 4-5 starts if not one thing described below. After working with RC Marlboro management we got our first lease. We signed it and asked RC Management to sign - and they didn't do that right away, that's their process. Later we were told by RC Management that they sign the lease any time before the day you actually move in. So, we planned the move, date, arranged movers, etc... Then in a day or two we got a call from RC Marlboro where they said "Current apartment owners refuse to move-out. you lease is not working anymore. Good bye." That's it. It does not make any sense to me, since in their lease it's clearly written "If you are moving out, you must give your written notice 2 months before the move-out date". So they must have received that notice from current (at that time) apartment lessees. But even more frustrating thing was that they didn't give us any alternatives. Didn't call back as all. They just said "bye". So we had to call them back and push for alternatives and then deal with planning new move date (not a pleasure). Interestingly, when I posted similar review in their Move-in survey, I was contacted by their high rank manager. But after I explained everything, I was told something like "Our stuff didn't do anything wrong". To whoever reads this review: be ready for this situation and get the RC Management sign the lease right away, or ask for date when it will be signed in written, so you have something. Or look for something else.