Look is deceiving, go only after doing proper research. I lived in this apartment for 3.5 years. When I moved in initial inspection was done, and I was told that normal wear and tear will not be charged at the time of move out. During the moveout pre-inspection, same thing was mentioned to me that for normal wear and tear nothing will be charged. I myself told many items and got concurrence as - it's not an issue and will not be charged. I recently moved out and received a surprisingly hefty bill. Amco.com/ Royal Crest Marlborough charges tenants unfairly and unethically. Ex - when I moved in the kitchen counter top was polished (and was NOT new), now that the polish is gone and existing scratches appeared. For that they are charging me $485. Similarly few blinds were broken, in move-out pre-inspection it was told that it will not be charged as this is normal wear and tear only. When I mentioned that, she asked me who was that person and NO it will be CHARGED. What a comedy...their own employees doesn't know the rules and regulations, and look who is paying??? NOW, lets say you decide to move in, here are few recommendations. 1) Take close-up picture of each and every corner of your apartment. (Macro mode), and 2) Live in fear that all your security deposit will be gone on top of that additional amount will be charged on your bill (on top of security deposit). Bottomline - They make money by tenants who are moving out. Ahh!! 30 minutes of my valuable time is lost in this 🙁