1st read Josh;s review last June and thought he wasn't being fair, after all my wife and I moved in here the summer of 2010. Now I agree with Josh on almost all accounts: Walls are thin, not wallpaper, but if your quiet you can hear conversation and if your neighbor's playing music you're going to hear it too. My set up is I have a divorce running a possible brothel below me with her son who she doesn't let have a key so he climbs in and out of the window at all hours.... oh and both of their friends also knock on the windows at all hours of the night. Plus she likes to let her cat wander the hallways freely. Above me I have a snow bird who drops things at 5:45am every morning I mean CLOCKWORK. But the best is beside me a family of pot smokers who smoke so much it comes through our kitchen vent (office told us 'there's nothing we can do about it call the police'). Add in the man orders takeout every night and decides to do his transaction outside our door every time instead of his own. Plus his son likes to shout out his window to his friends around the complex, building to building. As of the past 4 months ago the apartment on the floor above us across the hall has open her own daycare, RIGHT IN THE APARTMENT!!! Now I can get people 24/7 picking up there kids dropping off their kids and having VERY LOUD conversations up and down the stairs (which apparently everyone's 600 lbs plus from the sounds made by walking on the stairs). Our oven is also older than the one I grew up with, the dishwasher backs up into the sink and is a 50/50 shot of cleaning ALL the dishes, the bathroom fan doesn't suck air the caulking on the shower falls apart, I can push my shower wall and there's a full 2 inch give (that's a sign of mold and decay). Our apartment's pretty clean but that doesn't stop the ant infestation every spring. The decor is old, we have a lime green bathroom and a kitchen that looks like 'camp' when I was young. Also it's diverse, hispanic, black, eastern european, western european, brazillian, indian, and many many more. Smoking! people smoke in the hallways, in the laundry room, in the trash room in the little room where you get your mail between the outside door and inside, locked, door. It's non stop, if you want cancer come liver here. The grounds were well maintained, however I think they have changed their landscaping company. In the past the mess made by doing the grounds (clippings, branches dirt that is removed) was always picked up the same night, this spring it took this company 3 days to clean the roads from all the branches and crap they've removed.... and it wasn't even a bad winter! And yes they start at 7am, and go until 7pm some nights, doing what I don't know because my wife and I watched one guy with a motorized blower (very loud) walk up and down an empty street with it on 6 straight times. The pool is wet, but is used as a baby sitter all summer long and kids just run around (4-12 y/o) with no supervision. The gym has what an on-site gym normally has a few cardio pieces a few free weights a few machines, not bad but if something breaks don't think it'll be fixed for at least 6 months. Plus the kids from the pool come running in to the gym all day and night too screaming for no reason. Vanessa is the best, although there isn't any competition in that office for her. But even she can do only so much, if anything at all, mostly send letters and make calls but at the end of the day Amico only wants your money for nothing. No one can park still, I'm lucky to live around a large number of spots but some streets have 7 spots 4 cars take and block out the rest. Oh and the 10 mph is optional or must have another 0 spray painted onto it somewhere I didn't see. Maintenance responds quickly and with good quality overall, however if you see the trash truck (it's a pick up truck with all the trash bags from the buildings) coming and it's the woman driver (not a slight on all women drivers this driver just happens to be a woman) throw your car in reverse and go the other f'in way because it's 2:1 odds she'll hit you, and if she doesn't she'll at least block your way for 45 mins talking to somebody at her window. One last thing, we loved this place because there were 'no dogs' buildings, not all but like 6 of the buildings were no dogs, not anymore. I would love to show you the paperwork that the apartment complex sent out to notify all the tenants of the changes, but I can't THEY DIDN'T NOTIFY THE TENANTS OF THE CHANGES TO THE POLICY. Final note: Jeffery Garbin is the new 'Resident Relations Manager' he sent out a survey about living at RC. my wife answered honestly & clearly. Jeffery emailed her asking to clarify her complaints, she did his responce: "This was before my time here and I am guessing that resident communication was not at it's strongest since the property was running with no resident relations manager during this particular period of time." So why ask? DON'T EVER MOVE HERE!!!!!