Dont get impressed with landscape and their false promises. The worst staff i have ever seen, so rude and never ready to listen your problems. and when you decide to moved out, that's when they start playing with you and loads you with lots of un-necessary charges. Apartments are very very old, they need to upgrade it and for that they catch every moving out fish to pay for their upgrades. Throughout my stay i had couple of maintenance issue, that never been resolved. Pre-moveout inspection was all good, inspector said "everything looks good". They did not make post-moveout inspection in my presence and Justin Arcure sent me final account bill of $1449.97, which is more than my 1 month rent. I replied him immediately with disagreement and asked him to schedule walkthrough of my apartment in presence of higher Authority. He never get back to me till date. I called to office number minimum 5 times to talk with Justin, But it looks like he is on leave immediately after sending me final account statement. He never comes on phone nor revert back to my email. I was expecting to get some amount of deposit back as I kept my apartment same as i got upon move-in. Yes, carpet was in bad condition (over washed) since we moved-in, but there was no stain at all. Justin charged me $945.78 for carpet, stating its heavily stained/ burned throughout, $120 for bathroom, stating BA wallpaper stained. I am completely disagree with these two charges. If its there, why I was not informed during pre-inspection. If its there, why didnt they call me on site during post inspection. If its there, why Justin is not getting back to me on phone or responding back to my email?, if its there why they did not arrange walkthrough of apartment in presence of higher authority? In addition, they charged me $25 for not returning car parking sticker. They never asked me before I moved out, and said "you are all set". They would have inform me before that I need to return car parking stickers along with keys. When I argued, they said, you have to return everything that you have been given during move-in. I requested to talk to higher authority couple of time but office staff not allowing us to talk with them. If this issue is not resolved by this weeked, I am going to take further steps. If you still wanna take a chance and have extra money to wast upon move-out, this is the right place for you.