I have lived here for several years. My lease is up and they offered me a new lease that is $300 more than last year. Since times are tough right now I asked if there was ANYTHING they could do. I was told this is the market value now. Thanks for the help. For someone who has called this place home, this is a huge slap in face. With the $300 increase my rent is now OVER $2200 a month. I understand prices increase but this is ridiculous. Completely unaffordable and not worth it. They act like they care about the community here but they don't . If your late on a payment they immediately threaten you with legal action instead of being understanding and trying to help. Long story short is if you are in tough financial situation they will not give you any support. It doesn't matter how long you have been a tenant they will just kick you to the curb. I would recommend you don't give them your money and try somewhere else.