My girlfriend and I lived at Royal Crest for about a year. We moved out in January of 2016, even though our lease was not up until February because we hated it that much. Initially, we thought we were going to love living at Royal Crest. However, it could have not been more opposite. The pool, which seemed like it would be a great amenity in the summer, turned out to be very dirty. Not sure if they even cleaned it once all summer. Now, in terms of the actual apartment, I don't know where to begin. It is basically like living in a dorm in college all over again. We were on the first floor and could hear EVERYTHING from our upstairs neighbor. They do not warn you when other people in your building have pets, so we heard dogs barking at all hours of the night keeping us awake. If you do live in an apartment with pets, the outside grass will most likely be FILLED with dog poop because people do not clean up after their pets. Laundry is $2 a load and there are only 2 washers which are always full. Also, the trash and laundry are in the same room so anytime you want to do laundry it smells disgusting. The trash being inside also attracts tons of flies and even after contacting maintenance they did nothing about it. We also made the mistake of not checking to see if we had cell phone service before signing a lease. There is absolutely no service on the entire campus of Royal Crest and you cannot receive or make calls once in your apartment. It also costs $10/month per car to park in a parking spot, even though there are an abundance of parking spaces at each apartment building (and then they have "premiere parking" which is just the spot closest to the door and is another $20/month. People in our building were very inconsiderate and just let doors slam in the hallway no matter what time of night it was. In conclusion, if you want to live in a dorm again, be surrounded by loud neighbors, dirty outside areas, swim in a dirty pool, and be charged hidden fees every month when rent is due, make sure to live at Royal Crest! My girlfriend and I will never be back.