Evan Jones

We lived there for 2 years and little complaints built up over time. Our biggest concerns while there were: 1. Poor plan for recycling. To the manager's credit, he did say they had attempted a few different plans for recycling. However, for the majority of our stay we had to walk down to the recycling bins and shove our recyclables into small bins. Which were locked half the time and could only be accessed through a small hole in the top. Im still not sure why these bins couldn't be placed in the trash rooms. I guess to limit people throwing trash in them? But ultimately I'm sure recycling didn't happen because it was such a hassle. 2. No Dog Park but a tennis court which I never saw used - the place allows pets which is great. And the grounds are good for walking. But they're very strict about no dogs off leash and it's tough for animals to be confined to small apartments and no areas off leash. Ultimately that's the dog owners problem. Just seems like the tennis courts are a waste of space and most people just use them to allow their dogs to run around anyway. Maybe capitalize on that need? 3. The manager is obsessed with the grounds to the point where you get constant emails in the summer if there are clothes hanging off the balcony or areas are unkempt. Just constant emails about everything in general. And kind of this grade school, tell on anyone who's breaking the rules attitude. Only the rules are things like "don't hang your wet clothes out to dry" and we're all grown adults paying quite a bit of money for these small apartments. Probably my biggest peeve is the way were treated like children. Like this was summer camp and not our homes. 4. They offer a gym! Awesome. They also do NOTHING to monitor the creepy guys who hang out in the gym and watch the women. On more than one occasion I watched guys in jeans, standing in the gym, staring at the women, and never even pretending to work out. And it's a SMALL gym so you feel the stares. I did bring it to managements attention. The guys continued to be in the gym. 5. No kids in the play room unsupervised!! They have a play room. They don't want it to be ruined by children playing... in the play room... 6. The fees. Omg every time you turn around there's an extra fee for something. So whatever you expect to pay, add $100-200 a month because I promise they'll fee you to death. And don't expect that deposit back. They'll have fees for everything when you leave. No matter how paid up you think you are. Which brings me to my final point. 7. They made us pay our final 3 days. We were ready to move out June 1st. They insisted our lease ended on June 3rd. Idk where that number came from because we moved in during the middle of the month. Anyway, you'd think theyd round it up because rent is due the first of each month. Nope. We had to pay for those 3 days and damn we PAID. They wrench every last penny out of you at the end because they can. So all in all, I'd suggest somewhere else. The place is nice - and LGBTQ friendly so points for that! - but you can find other places that are also nice and without all the unnecessary hassle. My friends moved in an apartment about 10 minutes away from us and had none of our problems. * Also, if you've stuck through to the end, read the way they respond to other comments. They don't take ownership for anything. That's always a sign of a company that puts their pride before their customers. Just advice from a former tenant.