Stephen Torti

Been here a couple weeks. All been great, extensive property and extremely dog friendly. They're allowed everywhere. UPDATE: DROPPED FROM 5 TO 3 STARS All is pretty good but why on earth do I pay so much in fees, literally nickel & diming you for $0.60 for pest removal (BTW I've had a cricket & a lot of yellow jackets in my apartment and was told to spray home defense) and then if you're 1 day - 1 day late it's $50!!!! Are you kidding me? - and when you call, you get patched through to Denver and they go "according to RI law this is a substantiated fee" - OK well according to human decency you're a jerk. Here is your payment. Thieves. UPDATE DROPPED FROM 3 TO 1. They went into my apartment while I was still paying rent (before EOM) and mostly moved out. I went back to grab my duffel bag, rugs, vacuum and clean out the apartment. I did that and took all of my stuff. I WAS THEN CHARGED FOR "LEAVING" ITEMS THAT I CURRENTLY HAVE IN MY POSSESSION. How can I have left something that I am in possession of? Again - "according to our policy these fees are valid." You are just so pleasant to deal with.