Andrew Moorman

Where to begin... The maintenance services are a joke. Simple repairs take days, I've personally been waiting for weeks to have my doorbell fixed, and the washer and dryers frequently break down and take days to repair as well (despite outrageously high prices to use them.) The management practices are equally laughable, I had an upstairs neighbor consistently come home past midnight making all kinds of loud noises, the managements response was to tell me to wait until the tenant moved out. Snow removal rarely gets the job done in a timely manner, and management even requests tenants help for snow removal (despite paying for the service.) The pricing is absurd, and they only raise the price the longer you have been here. I would recommend seeking out any other housing option before this one. To any potential tenant reading this, feel free to send me a message or comment below, I have plenty of stories that ought to help you make the right decision.