Heather G.

This is purely based on ATTEMPTS to tour the place. Ny boyfriend and I set up an appointment via text. We called, tried to leave a message because no one answered and then the voicemail said they're busy and to expect a text. A random number (attached to the website from what we saw) texted my boyfriend saying sorry they couldn't speak at the moment but they could respond to any questions via text. We set up an appointment which was strange because in Saturday's the office shows as closed. We proceeded anyways, still actively texting with the bot/system and arrived and waited. And waited. And waited. The texts were ensuring that someone would be over shortly to the leasing office that was locked with no one inside and no one ever showed. After the bot saying they had reached out to Camyll and something must have come up we left and went back home. The bot asked if we wanted to set up another tour for a different day and we decided against it as it seemed like some weird scam and waste of time. We booked a tour online through the complex's actual site for a day the leasing office stated it would be open. We just showed up and went through the same exact process. And after reading the reviews while waiting for no one to show up I think it may have been a blessing in disguise. What a waste of time. It's rude and inconsiderate to waste someone's time who could be spending this time on another tour while we have a short time frame to relocate. Do better.