Melodi A.

Great location, but recently bought by another company and they're making changes that I don't like... First of all, they banned smoking in it's entirety... which I don't get how this can even be monitored... I'm not a smoker myself, but do you really think long-time cigarette smokers are just gonna up and stop smoking? I still see cigarette buds everywhere. Second... they removed ALL the visitor parking and made it permit only... now our guests have to go park by the Lucky's grocery store next door.. how inconvenient is that? And I see parking spaces empty EVERY day so I don't feel like the space was limited... plus they could have at least kept SOME visitor parking. Third... they once called me and said they needed to go do maintenance inside my apartment and needed my permission. I said no and that I needed to clear some personal items and that I could come from work in 30 minutes. She put me on hold for a minute, came back and said "oh sorry they just walked into your apartment." I mean SERIOUSLY? No privacy WHATSOEVER. How rude. Be prepared to have anyone just BARGE into your place at any time. Not sure if I'll renew my lease. I love the location but every month that goes by with more changes makes me love it less.