I lived here for 3 years. It used to be an Avalon apartment. In my first 2 years I was in a 2 Bedroom, but as soon as soon as FPI Management, Inc. took over and renamed it to Saybrook Pointe rent started to go up at an alarming rate. I really liked the area and wasn't ready to leave so i downsized to a 1 bedroom. The good: The only good thing about this place is location. It is one of the only apartment complexes i've seen in south san jose that has as much walk-ability. If that's all you care about and none of the following bothers you, then you might be ok with this place. The bad: * Unorganized and slow management. Something broken? Good luck getting it fixed. I put in a work order and it will likely get lost. My AC broke once and 2 weeks later with no fix i went by to find out when i could expect it to be repaired. It turns out the printer where they print off work orders is "right above the trash can and my order just fell off into the can." Got a package you need to pick up from the front office? Well you'd better just walk past the ladies in the office and grab it from their back room your self. I think they can't read. I frequently went to pick up a package (having a slip that says "left at front office" and the women there would go in the back and look, then come out and say they didn't have a package for me. I'd stick my head through the door and see its the first one on the shelf. Deposit forget getting it back. They'll make you pay for painting and for carpet cleaning no matter what even though in your check out form it says in print lifetime of the carpet is 1 year and you wont be charged if you live there for more than 12 months. Parking: You get one reserved spot with your apartment. A second unmarked spot will cost you money and you're not guaranteed to even get one. (they're 1st come 1st serve). This was never a problem when Avalon owned the property, but as soon as FPI took over it went to hell. People would even park in your reserved space. Parking on the street my car was HIT TWICE, and a third time i came out and see boot prints down the hoods/roofs of all the cars on the street where someone had RUN DOWN THE TOP OF THE CARS. Shady Neighborhood: There is low income housing just east of the apartment on playa del ray. Not all of it is bad but some of it seems sketchy. Some times you'll see a helicopter at night flying in circles with a spot light looking for people. I called 911 3 times since i lived there: the first time was at about 2am I woke up to screaming in the parking lot. It turns out there was some crazy lady running around the building in circles screaming at the top of her lungs. Nothing was wrong she just hadn't taken her medication or something The second time was around 3am about a year later. Again I woke up screaming. This time i look out side and there are 3 club girls standing around a 4th club girl who is out cold on the sidewalk. The 3 club girls start poking the passed out girl trying to revive her. When they can't revive her they PICK HER UP AND CARRY HER OFF. We called 911 and a fire truck shows up and finds the girl They carry her off on a stretcher. The funny part was that they couldn't get the stretcher up stairs so they carried her down the stairs in a body bag. The 3rd time was a few weeks later when i fight broke out in the parking lot at about 1 am. Neighbors: they're loud and inconsiderate. The final straw for me was when we got new neighbors upstairs. They apparently have a dog and they're too lazy to walk it down 3 flights of stairs to let it go to the restroom. They let the dog out to pee and poo on the patio. Since the patios are wooden the liquid falls down from the 3rd floor on to the second floor. they also sweep the poop off and it will land on the second and 1st floor. We've asked them to stop twice and they have not. We also complained to the apartment complex but nothing happened. Video proof of the pee: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k4LHF9vUI9o