The apartment (lived 2 years at the apartment and it isn't safe, the gate to enter the apartment was broken for over a month, and the staff sent an email that the owner gave them permission to fix the, by the time I left at the end of October. Go to and see cars were broken into and stolen numerous times. Orion is the security they hired and when I called because we have door to door salesmen entering the complex, and by the time they showed up to tell me they couldn't find them; he was out of breath I lived on the third floor. I sent an email with a video letting them know the sprinklers were broken and water was gushing, and I didn't want my water bill to go up higher than it was when I lived in a 1100 sq ft apartment and only two people lived there. I had to send the email three times which was about two weeks before it was fixed. I sent an email to Jei (Manager) and gave my 30-day notice in writing per my contract and by the end of the month when we left I still hadn't heard from anyone in the office, so I sent another email letting them know we have vacated the property and what did they want me to do with the keys. He emailed back and stated he never received the email and for me to forward it otherwise, they were going to charge me rent. If you move in you will have to make numerous calls and emails to get anything done. It is not a safe environment.