Carmen Smith

My husband went to look at the apartments the other day and met with Shawn who was very professional and knowledgeable. We returned today so that I could see the apartments. Shawn was busy with another potential guest so Laura showed us the apartment. Wow! Usually people try to get you into their apts. Laura became defensive and argumentative when we asked about the bad reviews the complex received. She blamed everything on the tenants indicating that the only people to complain were those who owed money. She solidified everything the reviews said. The last straw was when she told me if a roach got in my apartment, they would charge $5K to treat the apartment and it would be assumed that I lied on the applicaton saying that I did not bring the roaches in. I couldn't believe it. My husband and I both were in shock. We realized if she was this difficult before we moved into the place, how unreasonable it would be if we actually moved in. No thank you! Thanks everyone for providing an accurate description.You did me a big favor. Stay away!