Rob McLean

All of the other bad ratings are true. Shenandoah Crossing is awful and the management will nickel and dime you for as much as possible. You would have to be stupid to rent here. My year there was the worst and I wish I would have read the other ratings before leasing here. Instead of saying the same things as everyone else, which are true, here are my additions or else this will get even longer: * My car was broken into. Even the thief was bad and had to break two windows before getting in. * We had someone peeping into our bedroom window. Our dog caught them and I saw the shadow in the window. All I was able to see when I rushed outside at 9pm was the man running away. * I don't feel safe there. Lots of scummy people in and out at all hours and the crime. * The floor space is extremely small. * For a 1 bedroom apartment after all of the expenses, addons (they charge you for everything!!) and stick it to you at the end of your lease; it's better to get a 3 bedroom townhouse for about $150 more per month. * You can hear the people above you walking around. This was great for me since the people above us must have worked an evening shift and were home and awake past 3AM on most nights. * Some jerk would spit gum on the ground by the steps and the walkway. * A lot of people didn't clean up after their dogs. I stepped in more dog #2 in my one year there than the last 25 years put together. I couldn't even imagine letting my kids play on the grass. * Tons of bugs including roaches! Even though they charge us for pest control there are a lot of bugs that make their way inside the apartment. I'm very clean and keep my place clean, but it doesn't stop the roaches, ants, ear wigs, centipedes, brown beetles, etc from being inside. * They charge you $54 a day if you don't give your 60 days notice on time. This is a fee and you do not get to live in the apartment after your lease is finished to recoup the time. * Do not let the idiot salesman tell you that you can send pictures after the very quick floor inspection and she will write it down later. They don't care, won't write it down, but will charge you for it. They then will not take the pictures that you sent to their email address. * It is not a convenient place to live. Hwy 50 has a ton of stop lights and are timed so that you hit most. * It's hard to get out of the complex in the mornings. The Plaza Ln exit is filled with cars, work vehicles, semis, and trailers so that it's single file to leave (no right turn on the red to go 50 east). * The Stringfellow side is a single road out and is backed up due to the high school and commuter traffic. The high school traffic is bad. Most of the residents can't even make a simple right turn unless there is no traffic coming, which is in 5 minute spurts. This adds up on your commute quickly. Don't even think about them taking a left turn. Plus there is always construction on Stringfellow so you always have delays. * I can't believe that they still keep those 1980s appliances around. You would think that they would have newer appliances with what they charge. * All of the good parking spaces are reserved so you have to purchase them. I got one and people all the time parked in my spot. I put the blame 50/50 on them and management since EVERY good space out front of the stairwells is reserved, so people wait in them or park their service vehicles or Uhal in them. * The high school kids act like they own the place when they migrate through twice a day. * Why the heck is high school's speaker system so loud and why are they always on it? Weekdays, weeknights, weekends.... * It's easy to tell the residents when they drive through the main street - they drive extremely slow. It's easy to tell the many people that cut through the parking lot on the way to the shopping center - they drive crazy since they are trying to save time.