Yorlanda Pryor

DON'T DO IT!!! I just recently moved to the NOVA area and with the pay I was making this place was well within my budget. Upon moving out I cleaned my place throughly and even while living there I kept my place very tidy, when it came time for inspection they charges me 140.00 for things that didn't even make sense!!! On top of that I was charged a balance for my utilites, when I called and asked them about this it took someone 3 WHOLE DAYS to respond to me and her answer was they switch companies AFTER I MOVED out and the company was charging my for services I paid for when I first moved in. When I asked her for the number to the company she said they did not have it on file, but will be calling me back with it. Guess how long I've been waiting for that phone call. Crime is becoming a problem a lady was raped and kids are out of control when you report it to the leasing center they give you the brush off. AVOID AT ALL COSTS!!