Melissa D.

You can see from my first review, things have changed..BIG TIME. I lived here for 3 and a half years and the last 18 months were an actual NIGHTMARE. I experienced lazy, rude, unprofessional staff and maintenance crew because the turn over is SO high. Shaun and Tara have been there since my first day and have always been helpful and kind so this is not a reflection on them. Let's start with the grounds: my bushes and grass were trimmed TWICE in 18 months, right when I moved in, and right when I moved out. I did it myself 3 times in between because it was a JUNGLE. It was deplorable, trashy, embarrassing, and down right wrong. I never invited friends and family over because the grounds were always such a disgrace. Leading into my next issue- BROKEN GLASS, VOMIT, AND DOG FECES. There was broken glass under my stairs and in and around the breezeway constantly- I was out there sweeping EVERY OTHER DAY. I told the complex IN PERSON because their phones were NEVER answered in the 18 months I was in my apartment, many many times and I was still cleaning it myself. We had neighbors with children, pets, us- it could've gone a much differ route had I not been out there cleaning as I did. Dog feces- there was animal poo of all kinds on the grass and street....I guess people weren't picking up after their animals but neither was the cleaning crew. I noticed on my nightly walks there was a serious shortage of poo disposal bags so that may have been a factor, again, easily fixable by the complex!! There was vomit under the stairs in my building...I kid you not..for 3 months. It was even there on my move-out day. I had mentioned that too but no one seemed to care. Trash cans- they were ALWAYS overflowing, between the once weekly (or that's as it seemed) trash removal, the bins were always filled to the brim, overflowing, on the ground inside and out I mean it was nasty. I had little beetles ALWAYS making their way in through my door- I never once had my scheduled pest control (it was literally never scheduled) so I was constantly buying and spraying ant and roach killer. During snow storms, our sidewalk wasn't shoveled for a whole week...that included our parking lot. All the neighbors would be out there helping each other because the complex team didn't seem to care at all. On to not caring - I had listed in my profile that I wanted to be home while maintenance work was done...3 times this was ignored, twice I came home to notes that my stuff was fixed - one was my disposal which smelled no matter what fruit, bleach, and ice I cleaned it with (another reason why I never had guests over). And once I was asleep, home time from work and someone tried to open my door at SIX PM..luckily I had my top lock on and I refused entry. Severe lack of respect, awareness, and decency on their front. Here's my BIGGEST concern: My safety and privacy was violated TWICE. Once when I moved from my first apartment - my previous 3 roommates were emailed my move-out details and my NEW address along with fees I owed. I quickly complained and was assured this would never happen again. What happened this time when I moved out?? THE SAME THING- but with even more details and my FAMILIES address! The audacity, lack of sheer thought, and violation of mine and my families confidentiality is astounding. I was assured this would never be an issues again and then my families info is now out there for 3 people who were NEVER on THIS lease. I was on the lease alone for 18 months. I am furious and disgusted, and nothing has been done to rectify this or make up for the indifference they have shown. I highly recommend doing your research and spending the same amount of money where they care about their complex's appearance and the well-being of their tenants.