Let me tell yall how this place let me sign a lease, and then a week before I was supposed to move in, AFTER I bought the renter's insurance, scheduled movers, etc, they cancelled it!!!!! They didn't even call me, they sent an email saying the current resident decided not to leave. This was AFTER I had explained that I was a single parent with 3 children and didn't have a lot of time to waste. So now in order to not have to reschedule the movers and everything, with 2 high schoolers, a newborn and commuting to work, I HAVE ONE WEEK TO FIND A NEW PLACE TO LIVE. I let it go....wasn't even gonna write a review. Fast forward, I get a letter from them saying I OWED THEM MONEY. So not only did they let me sign a lease, renig on that lease, and screw me over....they asked me for more money a few days ago. I can't get them on the phone because allegedly the manager is never available; nobody responds to emails; nobody calls back. This is the worst place I have ever had to deal with and I am so glad I didn't move there!!