I don't have enough space to write about this place but, here is what I can tell you. I just recently moved out of here and wish I would have done so sooner. I was first drawn into it by how cheap the rent was, of course this was back at the end of 2008. The rent wasn't even $1,000 a month and the location was really close to my job as well as other locations that I frequented. There are so many issues that were dealt with over the time I lived there it's not even funny, I realize anywhere you live it's not going to be perfect but, a lot of the nonsense this place pulled was ridiculous. When I first moved in you got your parking permit to put on the window then you also got two guest passes and parking was ridiculous, they had signs that stated towing was enforced if there wasn't a pass on the vehicles after a certain hour but, it wasn't. I worked overnight and when I would come home during the week I would be able to find a parking space without an issue. However, when I would work on the weekend and come home early in the morning I would literally have to park several or more buildings away from mine and walk home. I would see countless vehicles without parking passes sitting in the parking lot that didn't have passes on them not being towed. I know if I was to leave my car without the pass it would have been towed. Then the idea came to take a lot of the open parking spaces and make them reserved spaces, which made parking even worse. I finally had to break down and get a covered reserved space just so I could have a guaranteed parking space. Although that didn't even work as countless people parked in it and I had to have their cars towed out of it, It mostly came from the high school students who parked in the complex to walk to school next door. That's right, these people who didn't even live in the complex would park in the parking lot for the day and walk to the school. Also, a lot of the parents who had no business in the complex would drive in and drop their kids off to walk to school. Why not have your kids take the bus or have them ride with their friends? Many times I almost got hit by some kids' parent because they had to drop their kid off. You would get charged for "pest service". It didn't matter how many times they would spray for bugs or cockroaches I would still have them in my apartment which was gross. At first you would also be able to pay your rent by either personal check, cashier check or money order which I didn't have an issue with at all. Then they attempted to get an automatic payment plan, you needed to bring in a cancelled check so they would have all the bank information and the rent would be automatically deducted. I thought this was a great idea until shockingly it didn't work. The first time the rent was supposed to be taken out the payment never showed up and I got a nasty letter stating that I would be getting charged another 10 or more percent if I did not make an immediate payment. I took another cancelled check to them and told them I wanted the auto pay and they said I was already enrolled. The second month the rent payment was going to be paid automatically it didn't work again even though it was showing being taken out of my bank account. I again got another nasty letter stating I would be charged more if I didn't pay up. A family member worked for the bank I had at the time and I had them check into it and they stated it was on the apartment's end not the bank. I then attempted to pay by personal check and after two days I got another letter stating they could not accept my personal check because I had bounced my two prior payments. I had a very strong conversation with the management stating it was their issue and that I had never bounced a check in my life. Of course they didn't want to hear it and for about a year and a half I would have to get a money order to pay my rent with. Finally they got an online system that worked and I didn't have any payment issues after that. You get a pool pass but, if you lose it then it's a $20 charge for a new one and you get charged for guest passes for the pool. You also get charged for extended guest pass parking and your own parking. Overall, this place got ridiculous really quick and the management was like a revolving door. For a long time you could go into the office and not speak to the same person twice. My advice is to look elsewhere, when I was leaving it cost over $1,300 for a one bedroom apartment. There are nice apartments for the same amount in the area, just take the time to look.