Lukas Best

This is the first review I ever wrote for a complex. Rent in Miami seems be decreasing and at South Gate it seems to be going up. Unfortunately, the price you see is not the price you pay. My first night moving in I got stuck in the elevator and nobody was answering the emergency call button I ended up having to call 911. It seems to be a constant occurrence at this point as about two weeks later I saw a guys stuck in the same elevator and I had to walk down 15 floors and at the front desk they had no clue anyone was stuck, even though they have an array of cameras in front of the. I noticed that the elevator certificates are expired. When it comes to the rent the price you see is not the price you pay. I am attaching a screenshot of all the Utility charges. For a place to be considered luxury living the walls are paper thin. It is not all bad, the views are great, the pool is nice. The gym is satisfactory and the people seem nice, at least my neighbors are. At this comment I am certain I wll not renew my lease if the price remains the same or continues to climb. Mind you the current price we pay is 2,562 a month + electric plus all the utility fees... it seems the someplace is being rented for more now and I dont think it be worth it. When it comes to parking, alternatives exists, if you don't need your car everyday or dont mind a 10-12 min walk the local target offers monthly parking and I rather save the 70+ dollars a month and in exchange I also live a healthier lifestyle. Update***** Tuesday February 6th. Had rude encounter with one of the recepionsity today. Asked if a package has arrived (mistakenly gave her the wrong name that it is under) when she came back to tell me its not there I apologized that I gave her the wrong name and if she could check again...she could not be bothered to stand up again and accused me of calling her liar....great. I have received packages a month later after reordering because people at reception are incapable of checking a name and will tell you "that name is not on the lease" both of our names are on the leas. Packages never arrive, if you are not signed up for Luxor one packages will still go into that system and you have to reorder and reorder until you get lucky and it either arrives at your front porch or the mail room. Paying 2,562 a month + electric plus all the utility fees for the crappiest service. I can guarantee I will not be renewing my lease when it is up. Elevator has still not been inspected...