Trish Michaels

Don't move here unless you want to be treated like garbage and have them force you to spend unnecessary money. I have lived here since 2020 and when Gummerick was the owner this was an amazing place to live, always with good energy and it was a true community of friendship, neighbors, and amazing staff. Unfortunately, they sold to Air Communities and now this has become the worst place to live. You can feel the corporate greed passed along from Air Communities in every aspect of living here. Here are some of the things Air Communities has done to me: Raised my rent 40%. Negotiated with some residents to a 20% increase and refused to negotiate with others Raised the monthly parking 50% I had my rent payments on auto debit and they took an unauthorized $3450 (this was in addition to the amount they were supposed to take- so double rent payment) and I had to waste my time for a week fighting with management and Air Communities to get it back They took out a nice room that was a community area that was used for parties with a pool table, couches, and table and replaced it with a room full of lockers that charge you $10/ day if you don't pick up your package within 2 days. Also they are going to start charging an annual fee for these lockers. If you don't use the lockers they will have your packages returned to the sender so there is no other option and you are forced to use the locker system. Constant issues with the elevators being broken and the inspections certificate is around 2 years past its expiration date. They used the wrong type of paint in my unit so walls scratch very easily. I asked to have it repainted when i renewed my lease and was told they would not repaint the walls The inside of the apartments are outdated with old appliances, hardly any storage and i would not consider this luxury living The view is amazing so If you do end up moving here be sure to join the group chat *SouthGate_Chat so you can hear first hand from all of your neighbors the many insulting ways that Air Communities treats their residents or while viewing apartments, pull a resident aside when you are not with a leasing agent to get a first hand perspective. As mentioned I have lived at Southgate since 2020 and all of the good reviews that you see are from people that work for the company or I have never even seen before.