Tiffani Houston

New management took over this year. The building is less secure as guests are no longer required to check in at the desk and provide ID, allowing unmonitored access to the building, elevators, and units. New 7 digit key code entry system that often malfunctions, it is also unsanitary and inconvenient. Elevators are often out of order, sometimes 2 out of 3. No more concierge. No more valet. Parking garage across the street for residents is now more expensive and less convenient, including new assigned roof level parking. Staff is directed to question residents and guests they do not recognize while using amenities and require proof of residence. Gym cleaned infrequently and often out of disinfectant wipes. Dog park no longer accessible from north tower due to new retail on bottom floor. Also, dog park is shared with illicit substance use community throughout the day and becomes crowded at night. Previous security patrol no longer present. The close knit community feel left with the old company, along with some of the beloved staff. New staff is responsive and respectful, however, not very helpful when concerns are brought forward because of new policies and management rules. Two stars for stellar views, beautiful feature pool, very walkable neighborhood, and easy access to the highways.