J S.

Staff needs to stop writing reviews it's disgusting Love how they are 'so extremely difficult' when it comes to renting a unit- You need to do so much paperwork and show in detail every cent you ever made Yet the building is filled with hustlers and porn 'stars' that literally use the building in their money making 'only fans' and other accounts Like literally hustlers, porn and escorts The amenities are nice but the units have so many issues You can hear everything- Everything - the walls are paper thin The mold issue is huge since no one fines residents for doing what they aren't supposed to-doors closed ac on It's a free for all The pool is a joke-mostly visitors and non residents The last few weeks have been horrible Loud, unruly groups Cans and bottles being drunk in the water Music from personal speakers blaring The office - that's another story Overall this building could and should be managed much better th