Residents A.

March 8 2023: Southgate Towers has been price gouging; they have increased rents by close to 30% over the past year. Since the recent acquisition by AIR Communities, they have hired Conservice, which has also hiked the already dubious utility charges by 20%. We need to stick together and deal with this issue. Please join us on insta at profile: ResidentSouthgate to pool together, share information and discuss next steps. This is a CLOSED instagram group. Only Residents with a current lease or a lease over the past 36 month will be allowed to join. Only people in the group will have access to other group members and information posted. Imposters and people or organizations, including but not limited to Southgate Towers or their owner, AIR Communities, are not allowed to join this group. Any misrepresentation is an attempt to mislead and constitutes an offense punishable by law.