D A.

The grounds smell of dog urine because they cannot/do not enforce the pet waste policy. Not so "luxury" to smell dog pee cooking on the hot pavement every time you leave the building or come home. You'll also smell dog urine while swimming in the lap pool -- anywhere next to entrance/exit doors because tenants walk their dogs in the mornings and the dogs pee the first place they can outside. They don't enforce dogs in proximity to the poor (I love dogs, yet this is a health violation to have them within 50 feet because their waste can drain into the pool with rain, wind, etc.). The walls of the building are paper thin. You will hear your neighbors' TV, music, conversation, arguments, sex, you can even hear your neighbor on the toilet. Still, candidly, I think the root problem lies with the community manager (who has been there for over ten years and also lives in the building). I think she's too comfortable in her job and her lines of professionalism are blurred. I occasionally would see her socializing in the lobby, yet what tenants need is her walking the grounds daily with her head of maintenance and security to review the property, check in with tenants, see the issues (and offenders!) first-hand. I didn't see her do this once in the time I lived there. The front desk staff, though, are lovely.