Nicole S.

Do not move here! While the building has been beautifully renovated, and has a great view, living here is a nightmare. The office staff is rude, and incompetent (especially Elizabeth.) They constantly make promises and do not deliver, and refuse to give you anything in writing. Our ice maker (in the brand new refrigerator) did not make ice for the first 5 months we lived there. We asked the office many times (very politely) to have it fixed. They came three times and each time said that they fixed it, without ever actually testing it to see if it was fixed. We were told when we signed our lease that our rent would increase $100 when the amenities were completed. That sounded fair. However, before the amenities were ever done, we were told that in order to renew our lease, we would have to pay an additional $600 a month in rent. We decided to leave and did our very best to paint the walls (which are painted with such cheap paint that any thing that touches it scratches or removes the paint..and cannot be cleaned without wiping the paint away.) we scrubbed the carpets (which are very cheap as well, and very light in color as they are not supposed to be in rentals because they stain so easily.) and we were still told that they would be taking $600 from our deposit. They stated that the carpets in both rooms needed to be replaced. We were given the option to be present for the final walk through, we just had to call Monday morning. We called Monday morning and were told "oh. They already did it." They also threw out all of the food that we left in the freezer and were going to take during that walk through. When we finally received our check for the remaining deposit (more than the 30 days promised later) it was for $41. When I called and spoke to Elizabeth, she stated that it was $800 to replace the carpets. When I said that we were told $600 her only response was "Well, I can't say you weren't told that, but I can say it's $800." I left a voicemail for the regional manager of Gunmerick (the company that runs this building) to file a complaint and I never received a call back. From what I've been told by old neighbors, our unit (1526) has been vacant for about 6 months (would be about 8, but a neighbor took over the apartment very briefly.) They missed out on 6 months of over $2,000/mo in rent by good people who were quiet, never caused trouble, and always paid their rent on time for their greed. Karma will come back to these people.